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George Orwell

George Orwell, the pen name of Eric Blair, was born in Motihari, India in 25 June 1903 from a family’s Scottish origins. His father, Anglo Indian, was an official’s British administration in India.
Brought to England he was educated at Eton. From 1922-27 he served in Britain’s imperial police force in India, an experience reflected in his first novel Burmese Days, published in 1934. After resigning from the force because of his hostility to imperialism, Orwell returned to Europe.
For survive he started a series of jobs to support himself while his work continued to be rejected by publishers. Down and Out in Paris and London (in 1933) describes the conditions of poverty Orwell lived in this time. In the years before the war he published both fiction and journalism. Novels who reflected his socialist beliefs. During the Spanish Civil War Orwell fought for the Republicans with the “P.O.U.M. Partito Obrero de Unificacion Marxista” against the Fascists led by General Franco, an experience which produced Homage to Catalonia (1938). Orwell was defined socialist but his strong criticisms to the Soviet Union and the Stalinism for transforming Russia into a totalitarian state brought him to encounter himself with a part of the Left of this epoch. This was to form the subject of his satirical fable Animal Farm (1945) which was followed in 1948 by the prophetic dystopian vision of Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Orwell died of tuberculosis 21st January 1950 in a hospital in London.


Nineteen Eighty-Four - 1984


The protagonist of the event is Winston Smith, middle-aged man, employee. The history is set in Oceania where the power is all in the hands of an only Party., the Socing, who has established a regime totalitarian and keep a close watch on any activities of the humans through the media. The power exercised over these from Party in fact is such who manage and influence the thought of all the men, by now become machine without freedom and own ideas. Winston knows Julia while he tries to rediscover own past for analyse more clearly his actual condition and establishes with she a relationship. In the Socing’s world the sexual feat is accepted only for the reproduction and the love is severely prohibited, the relationship between the two lovers is in secret. Together decide to rebel joining a secret association, the Fraternity, seems to fight against the Party from years. Through O’ Brien, high functionary of State, they would like enter to contact with this organization, but are deceived. Both are taken in prison and later months of tortures, become “transformed”. Become normal citizen who love exclusively the Big Brother. Become as all the other humans.

Il protagonista della vicenda è Winston Smith, uomo di mezz’età, impiegato. La storia è situata in Oceania dove il potere è tutto nelle mani di un unico partito, il Socing, che ha instaurato un regime totalitario e controlla tramite i media qualsiasi attività relativa degli esseri umani. Il potere esercitato sopra questi dal Partito, infatti, è tale che gestisce e influisce il pensiero di tutti gli uomini, ormai divenuti macchine prive di libertà e di idee proprie. Winston conosce Julia mentre cerca di riscoprire il proprio passato per analizzare più chiaramente la sua attuale condizione e instaura con lei una relazione. Nel mondo del Socing l’atto sessuale è accettato solo per la riproduzione e l’amore è severamente proibito. La relazione tra i due amanti è in segreto. Insieme decidono di ribellarsi aderendo ad un’associazione segreta, la Fratellanza, che da anni sembra lottare contro il partito. Tramite O’ Brien, alto funzionario di Stato, vorrebbero entrare in contatto con tale organizzazione, ma vengono ingannati. Entrambi sono condotti in prigione e dopo mesi di torture, vengono “trasformati”. Divengono normali cittadini che amano esclusivamente il Grande Fratello. Divengono come tutti gli altri esseri umani.



Percorso tematico:

Karl Marx: filosofo, critico dell’economia politica e rivoluzionario comunista

Turismo Sociale: aspetto storico, ONLUS e strutture ricettive per la collettività

Giustizia Sociale: carico tributario

Pier Paolo Pasolini, Neorealismo

George Orwell – Nineteen Eighty-four

La Vita e il Lavoro del Proletariato attraverso la Pittura